Autel Evo with 3 batteries

  • Williamsport, PA 17701 (View Map)
  • Posted on: 11/14/22
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$600 (USD) Open to offers!

  • Autel Logo Brand: Autel
  • Model Icon Model: Evo
  • Condition Icon Condition: Used
  • Description
  • Model Details
Autel EVO 1 Drone with 3 batteries and soft carry case. This is a prosumer drone which means it's just as good on your vacation as it is for your business. 3 axis gimble. 4k 60 fps. 8 times digital zoom. Obstacle avoidance front, rear and bottom. Optical flow and barometric pressure sensors allow you to fly indoors. Gps is rock solid. Has follow me modes and will fly waypoint and custom mapping missions. Controller and the Autel app are very intuitive and make operation a breeze. 30 minute flight time. That's 1 and a half hours with all 3 batteries. 4.3 mile range under ideal conditions. Max flight speed 45 mph. Precision landing mode uses bottom cameras and AI to land within inches of takeoff point. Return to home function is amazing. Never missed the mark by more then a foot. The videos look amazing in 4k. This drone is a steal at this price. I have multiple drones that cost more and still fly this one from time to time because it's such a joy to fly.
Model details and specifications are coming soon!


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